You must have seen Hash Tag Jeena, She doesn’t even have parents, and Jeena kay to maan baap bhi nai hain trending on social media since last few days, Most of the people do not know the reason behind this situation. Jeena is a character played by Ayesha Khan in drama serial Mann Mayal, This scene from the drama serial Mann Mayal is the reason Why Jeena is Trending so much on Social Media. To make the scene catchy Jeena becomes emotional and people made fun of her overly sensitive, whiny persona. Played by the super talented Ayesha Khan, Jeena seems immune to all criticism as memes abound sardonically calling for zakaat contributions for her.
Here is a glimpse of some of the trolls :
Next time u have a thought about “life is unfair with u” Just think about #Jeena “Us k to maa baap bhi nai hein”